Khairul Saleh, an animal ecologist from WWF Indonesia, told RRI World Service Voice of Indonesia on Friday in Jakarta that the protection of orangutan population in Indonesia should be done optimally given the high vulnerability to extinction. He mentioned the steps include the prevention of criminal acts of illegal hunting of orangutans. In addition, he said, efforts to integrate orangutan habitat in Indonesia is also needed to connect the existing orangutan population. The effort is aimed not only as a preventive measure but also a conservation effort for orangutan habitat in Indonesia.
“We are connecting fragmented orangutan habitats for various reasons. so that the population can be connected, and can be sustainable preserved in the long run. The protection of the habitats must also be legally accommodated, for example in a spatial planning, especially for areas outside protected areas," Khairul Saleh said.
Furthermore Khairul Saleh said, forest conservation also endangers the existence of orangutan habitat in Indonesia. The efforts, according to him, must be initiated with measures step that can still protect orangutan habitat. In addition, Khairul Saleh also encourages law enforcement efforts from the police officers against illegal orangutan poaching that threatens the preservation of the habitat. Recently, Indonesia is shocked by the finding of orangutans bodies in Kalimantan. Police confirmed it would pursue the perpetrators of the orangutans murder, including a company which is later proven to provide funds for such a foul action. (Ndy/Alika)
VOI News - Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Admiral Ade Supandi to Media on the sidelines of the Indonesian Navy Leadership Meeting 2018 at the Indonesian Navy Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Friday (26/01), said observing the dynamics in the future, TNI AL target will be strengthened with eight submarines. According to Ade Supandi it is based on the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) plan in 2024. Ade explained in percentage, the Indonesian Navy’s MEF only reaches 30 to 40 percents from the Navy’s main weapon system. Actually according to Ade Supandi, the procurement of 12 submarines would ideally be equal to the strength of the Navy in the 1960s which had 12 submarines. But at least, the eight submarines will be able to strengthen the Indonesian Navy ////// (voinews / AF / edt ahm)
VOI News - Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy Admiral Ade Supandi to Media on the sidelines of the Indonesian Navy Leaders Meeting 2018 at Naval Headquarters Cilangkap, Jakarta, Friday (26/01) said TNI AL has 2 Armada, the Fleet Command of the West Region (Koarmabar) in Jakarta and the Eastern Fleet Command (Koarmatim) in Surabaya, East Java. Later Koarmabar is changed into West Fleet, Koarmatim becomes Central Fleet, and then Eastern Fleet is currently being built in Sorong, West Papua. Ade Supandi also explained that Armada 3 (East) has become one of the 100-day TNI Commander programs which is based on the plan, can be realized in April 2018 ///// (voinews / AF / edt ahm)