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Let's Speak Bahasa

Let's Speak Bahasa (202)



Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Indonesian” is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Today’s topic is about How Are You?

We are going to present you a conversation entitled “Bagaimana Kabar Anda?” (2x) which means How Are You? This conversation happens between Dev Singh, a tourist from India and Datil, a tourist guide Datil starts the conversation by asking how Dev is doing. Let’s listen to the conversation.



Selamat pagi. Bagaimana kabar Anda?



Selamat pagi. Kabar saya baik. Bagaimana dengan Anda?

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

Bagaimana (2x)

which means how

Bagaimana kabar Anda? (2x)

which means How are you?

In the conversation, you hear the question “Bagaimana kabar Anda?” (2x) which means “How are you?” Datil asks the question to ask how Dev is doing to start the conversation. To ask how someone is doing, the question bagaimana kabar (2x),which means how are, is followed by salutation. For example, Anda (2x) which means you.

Besides using the expression Bagaimana kabar Anda? (2x), which means How are you?, you can also use the question apa kabar (2x).

Asking how someone is doing is the way to start a conversation, which is usually done by Indonesians. Besides the expressions bagaimana kabar and apa kabar, another expression that is usually used to ask how someone is doing is sehat? (2x) which means are you feeling well? using question intonation. The expression sehat? (2x) which means are you feeling well? is an alternative to ask someone’s health.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian” for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.



Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Indonesian” is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Today’s topic is about Buying Medicine at the Pharmacy.

We are going to present you a conversation entitled “Anda Tinggal di Mana?” (2x) which means Where Do You Live? This conversation happens between Dev Singh, a tourist from India and a pharmacy clerk. The pharmacy clerk asks Dev’s address and he answers by telling her his living place. Let’s listen to the conversation.



Anda tinggal dimana?



Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

Saya (2x)

which means I

Tinggal (2x)

which means live

Di Hotel Thamrin (2x)

which means at Thamrin Hotel

Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin   (2x)

which means I live at Thamrin Hotel

In the conversation, you read the sentence “Saya tinggal di Hotel Thamrin” (2x) which means “I live at Thamrin Hotel”. In the sentence, there is an expression saya tinggal (2x) which means I live. It is used to inform a living place. In the sentence, the expression saya tinggal (2x) is used to inform where Dev lives, namely at Thamrin Hotel. To inform a living place, you can use the phrase saya tinggal (2x) which means I live, followed by the living place, such as di Hotel Thamrin (2x) which means at Thamrin Hotel.

Besides the expression saya tinggal (2x), which means I live, you can also use the expression alamat saya (2x), which means my address, to inform a living place. Let’s listen to the expressions to inform a living place.

Saya tinggal (2x) which means I live

Saya tinggal di Perumahan Permata, Kota Bogor (2x) which means I live at Permata Residence, Bogor city

Alamat saya (2x) which means My address

Alamat saya di Jalan Mawar Nomor 11, Kota Medan (2x) which means My address is on Mawar Street Number 11, Medan city

In Indonesia, an address consists of a street or a residence name, number, subdistrict/village, district, city/regency and province. For example, Jalan Venus Nomor 1, Desa Jelantik, Kecamatan Kopang, Kota Mataram, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (2x) which means Venus Street Number 1, Jelantik village, Kopang district, Mataram city, West Nusa Tenggara province.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian” for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.




Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Indonesian” is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Today’s topic is about Buying Medicine at the Pharmacy.

We are going to present you a conversation entitled Siapa Nama Anda? (2x) which means What is Your Name? This conversation happens between Dev Singh, a tourist from India and a pharmacy clerk. The clerk asks Dev’s name, then Dev tells her his name.




Maaf. Siapa nama Anda?



Nama saya Dev Singh.

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day. I’m going to say each word two times and you can repeat after me.

Siapa (2x)

which means who, but in this context means what

nama Anda (2x)

which means your name

Siapa nama Anda? (2x)

which means What is your name?

Siapa nama Bapak? (2x)

which means What is your name, Sir?

In the conversation, you hear the question Siapa nama Anda? (2x) which means What is your name? In the question, there is a question word siapa (2x) which means who, but in this context means what.  If you want to ask someone’s name, you can use the word siapa (2x), which means who (in this context means what), followed by the word nama, which means name, and the pronoun or salutation. For example, Bapak (2x) which means Sir.

Besides in the beginning of the question, the word siapa (2x), which means who (in this context means what), can also be placed in the end. Let’s read to the other examples of asking someone’s name.

Siapa (2x) which means Who (in this context means what)

Nama Anda siapa? (2x) which means What is your name?

Nama dia siapa? (2x) which means What is his name?

The surname of Indonesian people is not always family name. For example, Iyus Yusuf. Yusuf is not certainly a family name.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian” for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.



This is Voice of Indonesia with Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. “Mari Berbahasa Indonesia” or “Let’s Speak Indonesian” is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Today’s topic is about Buying Medicine at the Pharmacy.

We are going to present you a conversation entitled “Saya Minta Kecap Manis” (2x) which means Is There Any Stomach Pain Medication? This conversation happens between Dev Singh, a tourist from India and a clerk. Dev asks the pharmacy clerk if stomach pain medication is available. Let’s read to the conversation.



Apakah ada obat sakit perut?



Ya, ada. Obat cair atau tablet?

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

apakah (2x)

which means is

ada (2x)

which means there

obat sakit perut (2x)

which means stomach pain medication

Apakah ada obat sakit perut?   (2x)

which means Is there any stomach pain medication?

In the conversation, you read the question “Apakah ada obat sakit perut?” (2x) which meansIs there any stomach pain medication? In the question, there is a phrase apakah ada (2x) which means is there, which is used to ask for the availability of something or the presence of someone or something. The question is about the availability of medicine at the pharmacy. To ask the availability of something, you can use the phrase apakah ada (2x) which means is there, followed by the thing you ask for. For example, obat sakit perut (2x) which means stomach pain medication.

Besides the expression apakah ada (2x), which means is there, you can use the word ada (2x) which means any, followed by the thing you ask for. Let’s read to the other examples of asking for the availability of something.

Ada (2x) which means any

Ada obat sakit kepala? (2x) which means Any headache medicine?

Ada obat flu? (2x) which means Any flu medicine?

To state a pain feeling, you can use the word sakit (2x) which means sick, followed by the sick body parts. For example, sakit gigi (2x) which means toothache, sakit mata (2x) which means sore eyes and sakit tenggorokan (2x) which means sore throat.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian” for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.


Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about Perpisahan which means Farewell. 

Here is the conversation entitled Mudah-mudahan Kita Bertemu Lagiwhich means Hope We Can Meet Again. This conversation happens between Kevin and Nuni. Kevin is going back to Jakarta. He says farewell to Nuni.  Let’s read to the conversation.


Aku pulang, ya.


Iya. Hati-hati di jalan. Mudah-mudahan kita bertemu lagi.



After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


(2x) which means go home

hati-hati di jalan

(2x) which means take care


(2x) which means hopefully


(2x) which means hopefully

bertemu lagi

(2x) which means meet again

Aku pulang, ya

(2x) which means I’m going home, ok

Mudah-mudahan kita bertemu lagi

(2x) which means Hope we can meet again


(2x) which means Amen

In the conversation, you hear the expression Mudah-mudahan kita bisa bertemu lagi (2x) which means Hope we can meet again. In the expression, there is the word mudah-mudahan (2x) which means hopefully. It is used to show hope. Another word to show hope is semoga (2x) which also means hopefully and aku berharap (2x) which means I hope. So, when you want to say farewell and hope to meet again, you can say Mudah-mudahan kita bisa bertemu lagi (2x) which means Hope we can meet again.

Let’s read to the other examples of a hope when saying farewell.

Kevin : Sampai jumpa. Mudah-mudahan kita bertemu lagi, ya (2x) which means See you. Hope we can meet again.

Nuni  : Amin (2x) which means Amen

Kevin : Aku pulang, ya. Semoga kita jumpa lagi suatu hari nanti (2x) which means I’m going home, ok. Hope we can meet again one day.

Nuni  : Amin. Kita pasti bertemu lagi (2x) which means Amen. We must meet again.

Indonesian people often say Hati-hati di jalan which means Take care to those who want to go. The expression shows care and hope that the person is safe on the way.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language



Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesianis a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about Nonton Film di Bioskopwhich means Watching Movie in the Cinema. 

Here is the conversation entitled Film Tadi Bagus Sekali which means The Movie was So Good. This conversation happens between Kevin and Nuni. Nuni wants to know about Kevin's opinion on the movie that they just watched. Let’s read to the conversation.


Kevin, bagaimana filmnya ?”


Menurutku, filmnya bagus sekali. Aku suka alur ceritanya ”

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


bagus sekali (2x)

which means very good

alur cerita (2x)

which means plot

Bagaimana filmnya? (2x)

which means How is the movie?

Filmnya bagus sekali (2x)

which means The movie is very good

Aku suka alur ceritanya (2x)

which means I like the plot

Bagaimana akting para pemainnya (2x)

which means How is the acting of the actors?

Menurutku, akting mereka bagus (2x)

which means I think their acting is good

Menurutmu bagaimana alur ceritanya? (2x)

which means What do you think about the plot?

Alur ceritanya mudah ditebak (2x)

which means The plot is predictable

Filmnya membosankan (2x)

which means The movie is boring

In the conversation, you hear the expression “Bagaimana filmnya?” (2x) which means “How is the Movie?”. In the question, there is the word Bagaimana? (2x) which means How?. In the conversation between Nuni and Kevin, the question word bagaimana (2x), which means how, is used to ask someone’s opinion. The question Bagaimana filmnya? (2x) which means How is the Movie? Is used to ask someone’s opinion about a movie

Other examples

Let’s read to the other examples of asking someone’s opinion by using the question word bagaimana.

“Bagaimana akting para pemainnya?” (2x) which means How is the acting of the actors?

“Menurutku, akting mereka bagus” (2x) which means I think their acting is good

“Menurutmu bagaimana alur ceritanya?” (2x) which means What do you think about the plot?

“Alur ceritanya mudah ditebak dan filmnya membosankan” (2x) which means The plot is predictable and the movie is boring

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language.


Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about Nonton Film di Bioskop which means Watching Movie in the Cinema. 

Here is the conversation entitled Film Apa yang Sedang Tayang di Bioskop? which means What Movies are Showing in the Cinema? This conversation happens between Kevin and Nuni. Because it’s raining, Kevin and Nuni decide to go to the cinema. Let’s read to the conversation.


Film apa yang sedang tayang di bioskop?


Coba aku lihat dulu di aplikasi bioskop.

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


(2x) which means movie

sedang tayang

(2x) which means to be showing


(2x) which means now


(2x) which means application


(2x) which means cinema

Film apa yang sedang tayang di bioskop sekarang?

(2x) which means What movies are showing now in the cinema?

Coba aku lihat dulu di aplikasi bioskop.

(2x) which means Let me check in the cinema application

In the conversation, you hear the expression Film apa yang sedang tayang di bioskop? (2x) which means What movies are showing in the cinema? In the expression, the word sedang (2x), which means to be doing, is used to state something that is happening.

Let’s read to the other examples of using the word sedang.

Kevin : Kamu sedang apa? (2x) which means What are you doing?

Nuni  : Saya sedang menonton film(2x) which means I’m watching a movie

Kevin : Sedang menonton film apa? (2x) which means What movie are you watching?

Nuni   : Film Gundala. (2x) which means Gundala

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language



Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesianis a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about “Cuaca dan Musim” (2x) which means “Weather and Season”. 

Here is the conversation entitled “Suhu 25 Derajat Celcius” (2x) which means “Temperature of 25 Degrees Celsius”. This conversation happens between Kevin and Nuni. Nuni and Kevin are walking on the road in the city of Bandung, West Java. They are walking while talking about weather and season. Let’s read to the conversation.


“Mendung, tetapi terasa panas. Berapa ya suhu (udara) nya?”


“Dua puluh lima derajat celcius”

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

mendung (2x)

 which means cloudy

tetapi (2x)

 which means but

terasa panas (2x)

 which means it feels hot

berapa? (2x)

 which means how much?

suhu (udara) nya (2x)

 which means the temperature

 25 derajat Celsius (2x)

 which means 25 degrees Celsius

dingin sekali (2x)

 which means it’s so cold

Berapa suhu udara saat ini? (2x)

 which means How much is the temperature now?

Dua puluh dua derajat Celsius (2x)

 which means Twenty-two degrees Celsius

In the conversation, you hear the expression “Berapa ya suhu (udara) nya?” (2x) which means “How much is the temperature?” The expression is to ask temperature. The answer you may hear is the amount of temperature, such as Dua puluh lima derajat celcius (2x) which means Twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Other Examples


Let’s read to the other examples to ask temperature.

“Dingin sekali. Berapa suhu udara saat ini?” (2x) which means “It’s so cold. How much is the temperature now?”

“Dua puluh dua derajat Celsius” (2x) which means Twenty-two degrees Celsius.

In Indonesia, especially the city of Jakarta, dry season is usually short and hot, while rainy season is usually short, warm and rainy. Throughout the year, the temperature varies from 23 to 33 degrees Celsius. It is so rare to reach below 22 degrees Celsius or above 34 Celsius.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language



Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about Cuaca dan Musimwhich means Weather and Season. 

Here is the conversation entitled Musim Hujan which meansRainy Season. This conversation happens between Kevin and Nuni. Nuni and Kevin walk along the road in the city of Bandung. They walk while talking about weather and season. Let’s read to the conversation.


Sudah mau hujan.


Iya. Sekarang musim hujan. Kalau di Australia, sekarang musim apa?


Musim dingin.


Oh, ya? Ada berapa musim di Australia?


Ada empat


Musim apa saja?


Musim panas, musim gugur, musim dingin, dan musim semi.

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.

Sekarang musim apa?

(2x) which means What season is it now?

Ada berapa musim di Australia?

(2x) which means How many seasons are there in Australia?


(2x) which means four

musim panas

(2x) which means summer

musim gugur

(2x) which means autumn

musim dingin

(2x) which means winter

musim semi

(2x) which means spring

In the conversation, you hear the expression Sekarang musim apa?(2x) which means What season is it now? and Ada berapa musim di Australia? which means How many seasons are there in Australia? The latter one is an expression to ask for information about season. In the expressions, there are sentences musim apa? and Ada berapa musim?

Musim apa? is a sentence to ask the types of seasons.

Ada berapa musim? is a sentence to ask the number of seasons.

Let’s read to the other examples to ask and give information about season.

Man            : Ada berapa musim di Indonesia? (2x) which means How many seasons are there in Indonesia?

Woman      Dua. Musim kemarau dan musim hujan(2x) which means Two. Dry season and rainy season

Man            : Musim apa di Indonesia?(2x) which means What season is it in Indonesia?

Woman      : Musim kemarau (2x) which means Dry season

Indonesia is a tropical country which has two seasons, namely dry season and rainy season. Dry season in Indonesia usually lasts from April to September. Meanwhile, rainy season in Indonesia usually happens between September and March.

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language


Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.  Today’s topic is about Bertemu Teman Lama which means Meet an Old Friend. 

Here is the conversation entitled Bekerja Dimana? which meansWhere Do You Work?This conversation happens between Kevin and his friend in a restaurant in Bandung. Kevin asks where she works.Let’s read to the conversation.


Kamu bekerja di mana sekarang?


Aku bekerja di perusahaan swasta di Bandung.

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


(2x) which means work


(2x) which means company


(2x) which means private

Perusahaan swasta

(2x) which means Private company

Kamu bekerja di mana sekarang?

(2x) which means Where do you work now?

Aku bekerja di perusahaan swasta

(2x) which means I work in a private company

In the conversation, you hear the expression Kamu bekerja di mana? (2x) which means Where do you work? The expression is used to ask where someone works. The answer you may hear is the name of a city like Jakarta or the name of a workplace such as a private company. To ask a workplace, you can ask specifically. For example, Kamu bekerja di perusahaan apa? (2x) which means Which company are you working for? or Kamu bekerja di bagian apa? (2x) which means In which division are you working?

Let’s read to the other examples:

Man            : Kamu bekerja di mana? (2x) which means Where do you work?

Woman      : Aku bekerja di perusahaan di Jakarta (2x) which means I work in a company in Jakarta

Man            :  Kamu bekerja di perusahaan apa? (2x) which means In which company are you working for?

Woman      : Di perusahaan makanan (2x) which means I work for a food company

Man            : Kamu bekerja di bagian apa? (2x) which means In which division are you working?

Woman      : Di bagian keuangan (2x) which means In finance division

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language

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