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COVID-19 task force volunteers focusing on helping medical workers

Head of volunteer coordination for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Andre Rahadian. (ANTARA/Muhammad Zulfikar/ac)

Volunteers participating in COVID-19 handling efforts in the country are focusing on three areas, including providing assistance to medical workers, Head of volunteer coordination for the COVID-19 Handling Task ForceAndre Rahadian, has said.

"Firstly, we are providing assistance to medical workers," he said at an online discussion originating from Jakarta on Saturday.

The second focus is to recruit and place volunteers, both medical and non-medical personnel, to various areas that require assistance, he informed.

Finally, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Volunteers are coordinating with areas in relation to behavior change and health management.

“We are supporting the program by inviting as many volunteers as possible. Both that are registered with the Task Force, as well as with other organizations," Rahadian said.

The government cannot work alone to deal with and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, he said.

Therefore, in the last five months, the COVID-19 task force has been collaborating with other organizations, including the scouts, KNPI, PBNU, and Muhammadiyah for enlisting volunteers, he added.

The work carried out by volunteers ranges from distributing personal protective equipment, which includes masks, hand sanitizers, hazmat suits; disinfectant spraying efforts; and, distributing basic necessities.

"Up until now, we are still operating. One of the activities is the campaign for and socialization of the use of masks among the public," Rahadian said.

He said the hand-washing campaign, maintaining physical distancing, and encouraging the use of masks are still part of the COVID-19 Handling Volunteer Task Force’s current program.

He then invited everyone in the country to comply with the health protocols, especially wearing masks, maintaining safe distancing, and washing hands with soap and running water. (ANTARA)


Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi will attend a series of the 53rd Ministerial Meetings virtually from 9-12 September 2020. The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said in a teleconference in Jakarta, Friday (4/9/2020) that at the meeting that ASEAN Foreign Ministers would agree to maintain political and economic stability.

"In this series of ASEAN meetings, several documents are planned to be adopted, including a joint communique with the 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers, which essentially explains the commitment of ASEAN Foreign Ministers to maintain regional political and economic stability, then ratification of an action plan between ASEAN and dialogue partners, as well as several other result documents which are still being negotiated," said Retno Marsudi.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi further said that in the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, there will be at least 19 meetings that will be held virtually and will be chaired by Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Bing Minh as the Chair of ASEAN in 2020. Retno added, on the sidelines of the meeting, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers will attend several meetings, including the Dialogue on Strengthening the Role of Women for Sustainable Peace and Security. (VOI / YOUTUBE KEMLU / AHM)


UI remains best university in Indonesia: THE World University Rankings
The UI building in Depok, West Java.  (feru lantara) 

The Times Higher Education (THE) has released its World University Rankings (WUR) 2021, which features the University of Indonesia (UI) in the 801-1000 ranking bracket and acknowledges it as the best university in Indonesia.

In a statement issued on Saturday, UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro said this is a great achievement and shows that Indonesia, and UI in particular, are increasingly being recognized by the global community and that UI remains the best university in Indonesia.

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, UI remains committed to finding solutions for the COVID-19 problem through innovation, research, and community service activities, Kuncoro added.

"The contribution of the teaching staff, researchers, education staff, and students, as well as collaboration with the industry, the government, and the community, has enabled UI to achieve progress and have an impact on the country," he remarked.

THE has released the World University Rankings on its official website (

UI is the only university from Indonesia that has been included in the 801-1000 bracket in the rankings. A total of 1,500 universities from 93 countries across the world have been ranked by the THE WUR 2021.

In the WUR 2021, the state-run university has scored 25.1 - 30.1, chalking up 37.6 points in Teaching Performance, 20.7 in Research, 15.2 in Scientific Paper Citation Performance, 84.5 in Synergy with Industry, and 51.3 in Coverage of Internationalization.

The most prominent UI achievement has been its synergy with the industrial sector. THE has used this indicator to assess the university's ability to support the industry through breakthroughs, innovations, inventions, and ideas based on the needs of the industry and society.

According to UI, it is focusing on being a think-tank and solving problems in society. With a focus on three research clusters, namely health, social humanities, and technology science, UI is committed to producing solutions that are beneficial to industry and society.

Established in 1848, the University of Indonesia (UI) is a modern, comprehensive, open-minded, multicultural, and green campus, which provides not just quality education, but also a vibrant and enjoyable learning environment with all facilities needed for an optimal learning experience.

UI is now internationally recognized as one of South East Asia's top universities on account of its consistent and outstanding performance in the areas of teaching, learning, research, and community engagement. UI has made important contributions in the advancement of the nation's prosperity.

THE (Times Higher Education) has been providing performance data on universities for students and their families, university academics, university leaders, governments, and industry since 2004.

The THE World University Ranking is the definitive list of top universities globally and covered more than 1,250 institutions across 86 countries in 2019. It is the only global university league table to judge research-intensive universities across each one of their core missions: teaching (learning environment); research (volume, income, and reputation); international outlook (staff, students, and research); citations (research influence); industry income (knowledge transfer). (ANTARA)


Indonesia's illiteracy rate falls to 1.78% in 2019Director general of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Secondary Education of the Education and Culture Ministry, Jumeri STP MSi. (ANTARA/Indriani)

Indonesia's illiteracy rate fell to 1.78 percent of the total population in 2019 from 1.93 percent the year before, an Education and Culture Ministry official said.

"The illiteracy rate stood at 1.93 percent, or 3.29 million people, in 2018 and fell to 1.78 percent, or 3.076 million, in 2019," director general of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education at the Education and Culture Ministry, Jumeri STP MSi, said in Jakarta on Friday.

The illiteracy rate has continued to fall thanks to the implementation of various innovative strategies to fulfill people's learning needs, he remarked.

Non-formal education is as important as formal education, he said.

"Illiteracy must be eradicated since it hinders citizens' access to information, health, and jobs," he added.

Indonesia has been considered successful in eradicating illiteracy, as is evident by its being awarded the King Sejong Literacy Prize by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2012, he pointed out.

Since the end of 2018, Indonesia has been chosen on the Steering Committee for Global Alliance for Literacy (GAL UNESCO), in recognition of its success in rooting out illiteracy, he added.

GAL is an alliance of 29 countries, comprising 20 countries with a literacy rate of below 50 percent (including Afghanistan and several African countries) and E-9 Countries, or nine most populated nations in the world with a literacy rate of above 70 percent (including India and Indonesia).

According to the national welfare statistics issued by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2019, the country's literacy rate for people aged between 15 and 59 has reached 98.22 percent.

Several efforts have been made to curb the illiteracy rate in the country through updating illiteracy data, eradication strategy, partnership networking, and literacy education innovations.  (ANTARA)