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Ani Hasanah

Ani Hasanah


Jakarta (VOI News) - The Indonesian government strongly condemns the Charlie Hebdo tabloid in France for republishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi expressed criticism in a virtual press conference held on Friday (4/9). Retno Marsudi called this action irresponsible, provocative, and injured hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world. Retno said that this action had the potential to cause division when the world needed to unite against COVID-19.

"The fifth issue is the series of actions of burning and destroying the Koran in Sweden and Denmark as well as the re-publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by the tabloid Charlie Hebdo. Indonesia strongly condemns all these acts. This act is irresponsible, provocative, and has been injuring the hearts of hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world. All of these actions are against the principles and values ​​of democracy, which have the potential to cause divisions among religious communities, at a time when the world needs unity to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic," Retno said.

The criticism was also directed against a series of acts and acts of burning and destroying the Koran in Sweden and Denmark, some time ago. (YOUTUBE KEMLU / NOUVA)


Indonesia releases funds for COVID-19 vaccine development

The signing of Prelimenary Agreement of Purchase and Supply of Bulk Production of COVID-19 Vaccine by Bio Farma President Director Honesti Basyir seated left) and General Manager of Sinovac Gao Xiang (seated right) as State-Owned Enterprises Minister concurrently Executive Chief of the Committee for COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Erick Thohir and Foreign Minister Retno L Marsudi looked on ini Hainan, China. on August 20, 2020 (ANTARA/HO-Kementerian BUMN)

Indonesia's Coordinating Economic Minister Airlangga Hartarto revealed on Friday that the government has disbursed funds to the tune of Rp3.3 trillion for this year for the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.
"The total amount of funds that the government will prepare for this multi-year program will reach Rp37 trillion," he told journalists after attending the COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery Committee's meeting in Jakarta. 
Hartarto also highlighted Indonesia's recovery and death rates, saying the country's recovery rate has reached 71.7 percent, which is higher than the global recovery rate, while its mortality rate has been recorded at 4.2 percent.
Indonesia has been taking steps to secure a COVID-19 vaccine. At present, clinical trials of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine are being conducted in Bandung, West Java province.
A state-owned pharmaceutical holding company, Bio Farma, recently collaborated with China’s Sinovac to produce the COVID-19 vaccine for Indonesia. The materials provided by Sinovac for the vaccine arrived in Indonesia on July 19, 2020.
To tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia is leaving no stone unturned to develop a vaccine to fight the virus.
Currently, in addition to the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, Indonesian scientists are working on a vaccine named after the country's national flag, Merah Putih (Red and White). (ANTARA)


Indonesia has recorded 3,269 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, which have brought the total tally of infections to 187,537, as of Friday, according to the country's Task Force for COVID-19 Response.

With 2,126 people recovering from COVID-19, the total recoveries stand at 134,181, the task force noted in a report released on Friday.

Meanwhile, the death toll has reached 7,832, with 82 people succumbing to the disease within the last 24 hours.

The figures suggest that the country currently has 45,524 active cases, or patients still receiving treatment or undergoing self-isolation. By Friday, 85,178 suspected patients have been placed under surveillance.

On Friday, the authorities examined 36,268 specimens from 18,100 people at 320 laboratories across the country. Since Indonesia reported its first confirmed cases in March 2020, a total of 2,375,133 specimens from 1,371,391 people have been examined in the country.

COVID-19 positive cases have been reported in 34 provinces, with 489 cities and districts affected by the pandemic.

Meanwhile, five provinces have recorded the highest number of new cases on Friday, with Jakarta reporting 880 fresh cases, West Java 385, East Java 350, East Kalimantan 281, and Bali 196.

The provinces of Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi reported no new cases on Friday.  (ANTARA)


VP seeks LDII's participation in deradicalization programVice President Ma'ruf Amin during a teleconference with officials of the Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII) on Thursday (Sept 3, 2020). ANTARA/HO-Vice Presidential Secretariat/sh

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has urged the Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII) to partake in the deradicalization program for people exposed to radicalism and extremism in a bid to return to moderate Islam.

"This is our common task to prevent and counter radicalism. Bringing back those exposed (to radicalism) has become the responsibility of us all, including the LDII," Amin noted in a statement in Jakarta on Friday.

The vice president admitted that radicalism and extremism existed in the country, for which deradicalization and counterradicalism efforts must be made unceasingly through wasathiyah (moderate) preaching, among others.

"The threat of radicalism exists. It is one of my tasks to build a commitment to counter radicalism. We have to strengthen prevention efforts and counter radicalism," he stated.

Harmony among different religious groups has become the key to preventing and curbing the swift spread of radicalism in the country.

The vice president has appealed to all mass organizations, especially the religious-based groups, to participate in maintaining religious harmony in Indonesia.

"I called on LDII to partake in efforts to maintain harmony among religious groups and build the nation's unity and oneness. This is because harmony is the key factor for the nation's unity," he remarked.

Amin held a teleconference with LDII officials on late Thursday (Sept 3). He is upbeat about the institute improving its service to Indonesian Muslims.(ANTARA)