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Tuesday, 08 May 2018 16:35

Do You Want To Live In My House

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Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia, a lesson in Bahasa  Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio,  introducing some  Indonesian vocabulary and  guiding   you to use them in a conversation.

Let's Speak Bahasa  Indonesia is a collaboration between  Voice Of Indonesia, RRI Foreign Broadcasting Station and the Agency for Language Development, the  Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.

Today’s topic is " Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?"  or in English,  “You want to stay at my place?

Here is an example of a conversation on Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?"  or in English,  You want to stay at my place?

(The Conversation is not translated, and read out slowly.The location is in Prambanan Temple area. Joko knows that Tony lives in the hotel. Therefore, Joko offers Tony to stay at his home while Tony is in Jogja.)

Joko   :Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?

Tony   :Oh, apakah tidak apa-apa?

Joko   :Ya, Aku senang kalau kamu tinggal di rumahku.


Tony   :Oke.Kamu baik sekali.

             Terima kasih.



This is the expression and vocabulary, related to the topic today, which is Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?"  or in English,  You want to stay at my place?


I will say each sentence 2 (two ) times and you may repeat after me.



Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?

(2X) In English

You want to stay at my home?

Apakah tidak apa-apa?

(2X) In English

Is it okay?

Aku senang kalau kamu tinggal di rumahku.

(2X) In English

I'll be glad if you want to stay at my home.


(2X) In English

How? (What do you think?)

Kamu baik sekali.

(2X) In English

You are very kind.



To offer someoneto stay at your home, you say: ‘Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?(2X) which means "You want to stay at my place?" or in a full sentence, “Apakah kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?”(2X) which means "Do you want to stay at my place?".


If you accept the offer, you can simply say "Oke”, (2X) which means Okay”. "Ya , saya mau” (2X) which means “Yes, I do”. “Baiklah” (2X) which means “Alright”, or “Tentu saja” (2X) which means "Of course"


But if you refuse, you can answer “Maaf, tidak bisa”(2X) which means "Sorry, can not" " or to refuse subtly in accordance with the context of the conversation, consider the following example.


-      “Kamu mau tinggal di rumahku?” (2X) which means"You want to stay at my place?".


-      “Saya mau, tetapi tidak bisa.” (2X) which means.”I do, but can not” or:


-      Maaf sekali ya, terima kasih.” (2X) which means "I'm so sorry, I can’t. Thanks anyway”


For practice send your voice recording in bahasa Indonesia to email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . There will be an attractive prize for selected senders.

The exercise is to describe a tourist spot in your country by mentioning the name of the country, the name of the tourist spot, the location and the weather in that place. If you want to provide more information, please do. Example:

Selamat pagi, negara saya Indonesia, memiliki tempat wisata Candi Prambanan yang terletak di Jogyakarta.Cuaca sekitar  Candi Prambanan panas . Gudeg adalah makanan khas Jogyakarta.


Read 1492 times Last modified on Saturday, 12 May 2018 05:30