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Let's Speak Bahasa

Let's Speak Bahasa (205)


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the Radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Bagaimana memainkannya?  in English ‘How to play it?’.

Read to this conversation about Bagaimana memainkannya? In English ‘How to play it?’. Kevin asks Siti, how to play the gamelan music.

Kevin   : Bagaimana cara memainkannya?

Siti       : Cara memainkannya, yaitu dengan dipukul–pukul dengan alat pemukul.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Bagaimana memainkannya

Which means

How to play it?

Cara memainkannya yaitu dipukul-pukul


The way to play it is by beating.

Alat pemukul


Beating tool

To ask about how to use an object, you can use expressions.

For examples:

Bagaimana cara memainkan dram in English ‘how to play the drum?’.

To respond to the question/expression, you can answer in accordance with the way to use the tools.

For examples:

Kevin         : Cara memainkan dram yaitu dengan dipukul-pukul dengan alat pemukul  in English ‘The way to play the drum is by beating with drum sticks

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia. 


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the Radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Apakah kamu suka tariannya?  in English ‘Do you like the dance?’.

Read to this conversation about Apakah kamu suka tariannya?  in English ‘Do you like the dance?’. Siti asks Kevin whether he likes the dance that he just learned.


Apakah kamu suka tarian tadi?


Iya, aku suka sekali.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Apakah kamu suka ?

(2X) which means

Do you like?




Aku suka ..........


I like

To ask whether someone likes something or not, you can use some expressions or sentences, such as:

-Apakah kamu suka?                   Which means     Do you like it?

-Anda suka?                                                              

-Bagaimana, suka tidak?                                                  

To respond the expressions you can say:

-Iya, aku suka  (yes, I like it) or  tidak, aku tidak suka (No, I don't like it)

For examples:

-Apa kamu suka menari?  (Do you like dancing?)

-Iya, aku suka sekali           (Yes, I like dancing very much.)   

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  


This is Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the Radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Yuk Belajar Menari  in English ‘Let’s learn dancing’.

Read to this conversation about Yuk Belajar Menari or ‘Let’s learn dancing’. Siti invites Kevin to learn dancing along with other students.

Siti       : Ayo, bergabung menari bersama mereka.

Kevin   : Baiklah.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Ayo!                              Which means     Let’s

Belajar  menari.                                       Tolearn dancing

Baiklah.                                                    Alright

When you want to invite someone to do something together; you can use the words ayo or mari. For example:

Ayo, bergabung ...    or

Mari bergabung ....  which means let’s join (them/him/us)

To respond that expression of invitation, you can repeat the words ayo or mari. The word ayo is used in an informal conversation, while mari is used in a formal situation, For examples:

Siti       : Ayo, bergabung bersama mereka  which means  ‘let’s join them’

Kevin   : Ayo! which means ‘ok’                                                            

Siti       : Mari, bergabung bersama mereka  which means  ‘let’s join them’

Kevin   : Mari! which means ‘alright’.

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.


This is Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the Radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Apa Hobimu? in English ‘What is your hobby?’.

Read to this conversation about Apa Hobimu? Which means ‘What is your hobby?’ Kevin and Siti are chatting in a campus yard. Siti asks what activity Kevin likes.


Apa hobimu, Kevin ?


Aku suka menari.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Apa hobimu?

(2X) which means

What is your hobby?

Aku suka


I like



To dance

Hobby is a preferred activity and done in a spare time. When you want to ask someone about their preferred activities you can ask them by saying Apa hobimu? In English ‘What is your hobby?’. To respond the question, you can say your hobby such as:

- menari              which means                dancing

- membaca buku                                    reading a book

- berjalan-jalan                                       travelling

- berbelanja                                              shopping

- memasak                                              cooking

For example: in a conversation.

-      Apa hobimu?              which means      What is your hobby

-      Aku suka membaca                               I like reading

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  


This is Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the Radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is (Kamu mau makan apa?) in English ‘What do you want to eat?’.

Read to this conversation about Kamu Mau Makan Apa? which means ‘What do you want to eat?’ Siti asks Kevin about the foods he wants to order. 



Kamu mau makan apa ?


Nasi goreng.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Kamu mau makan apa ?

(2X) which means

What do you want to eat? 

Mau apa?


What do you want?

Ingin apa ?


What do you want?




When you are going to eat with someone, you can ask them: Kamu mau makan apa? In English what do you want to eat? The word mau isusually used in an informal conversation. While in a formal situation you can use the word ingin. For example: Bapak/ Ibu ingin makan apa? which means ‘What would you like to eat, sir?’. To respond someone’s offer expression, you can answer directly to your choices of foods or repeating the offer expression.

For example:

-Kamu mau makan apa?             in English ‘What do you want to eat?’

-Nasi goreng, gado-gado                               ‘nasi goreng’, ‘gado-gado’

-Kamu mau makan apa?                                ‘What do you want to eat?’

-Saya mau makan nasi goreng                     ‘I want to eat nasi goreng’

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  See you tomorrow with other interesting topics. Sampai jumpa!


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is (Ayo, makan di kantin) in English ‘Let’s eat at canteen’.

Read to this conversation about Ayo, makan di kantin which means ‘Let’s eat at canteen’. Siti invites Kevin to eat at canteen. Siti also tells Kevin that he can take the foods by himself.

Siti               : Ayo, kita pergi ke kantin!

Kevin         : Ayo, menunya apa?

Siti              : Ada banyak, Kevin, kita bisa ambil sendiri makanan itu.

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Ayo, kita pergi ke kantin    which means      let’s go to canteen      

Mari kita ke kantin.                                          

makan siang                                                     lunch

makan malam                                                   dinner

kantin                                                                 canteen

makanan                                                            food

Meal time is the time to socialize. It is used to gather and talk. To offer invitations to eat together, you can use sentences, Ayo, kita pergi ke restoran or Mari kita makan ke restoran which means ‘let’s go to restaurant’.

To response the invitation, you can repeat the expression, for example:

Siti             : Ayo, kita pergi ke kantin!

Kevin         : Ayo!

There are two kinds of invitations in Indonesian language, namely formal and informal invitations. The formal invitation is used to invite older people, new people, and respected people. For the formal invitation, you can use the word mari in English ‘let’s’. While, the informal invitation is used to greet people who are already familiar, friends, or younger people. In the informal invitation, you can use the word, ayo or ‘come on’.

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia. 


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is (Tolong Ulangi Lagi) in English ‘please repeat again

Readto this conversation about Tolong Ulangi Lagi in English ‘please repeat again’. Kevin does not understand yet about an explanation of a subject. He asks the lecturer about it.


Tolong ulangi lagi pengertian diftong , Pak.


Iya, baik. Diftong adalah.................................

Now, I am going to introduce some vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Tolong ulangi lagi.........

(2X) which means

Please repeat again

Iya, baik.



Diftong adalah........


Diphthong is

If you want someone to repeat their words/ explanation, because you don’t understand yet, you can use expression Tolong ulangi lagi...... which means ‘Please repeat again’ or Bisa tolong jelaskan lagi ? which means ‘Could you explain again/once more’.  For example if you don’t understand about diphthong that has been explained by lecturer, you can say Tolong ulangi lagi pengertian diftong, Pak in English ‘Sir, Please repeat what diphthong means’. 

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Saya tidak mengerti  in English ‘I don't understand

Read to this conversation about Saya tidak mengerti   in English ‘I don’t understand’. Kevin does not understand yet about the explanation of one subject, he asks the lecturer.

Kevin         : Bapak, saya ingin bertanya.

Dosen        : Iya, silakan.

Kevin         : Apa itu diftong?

Dosen        : Baik. Diftong adalah gabungan vokal.

Now, I am going to introduce the vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today. I will say each word slowly and twice, you can follow after me.

Bapak                                    which means      Sir

Saya ingin bertanya?                                               I have a question.

Iya, silakan.                                                       Yes, please

Apa itu diftong?                                                         What is diphthong?

Diftong adalah gabungan vokal.                            Diphthong is a combine of


If you want to ask something at a forum or formal event, such as a lecture forum, you can use a sentence Bapak, saya ingin bertanya.Apa itu diftong? In English ‘Sir, I would like to ask you, what is diphthong?’


The use of the word ingin in a sentence Bapak, saya ingin bertanya can be changed with the word izin, like the sentence Bapak, saya izin bertanya.

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Siapa dosennya?  in English ‘Who is the lecturer?’

Read to this conversation about Siapa dosennya? in English ‘who is the lecturer?’ Kevin asks Siti who Indonesian language lecturer is.


Siapa nama dosen Bahasa Indonesia kita?


Bapak Dewa Hartono.

Now, I am going to introduce the vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Siapa nama dosen bahasa Indonesia?

(2X) which means

Who is Indonesian lecturer?

Bapak Dewa Hartono


Mr. Dewa Hartono

Ibu Sri Astuti


Mrs. Sri Astuti

Guru bahasa Inggris


English teacher

To ask for information about the name of a person, you can use a sentence Siapa nama dosen kamu? Which means ‘who is your lecturer?’

To respond to the question, you can answer Bapak/Ibu......(name of person) which means ‘Mr/Mrs. ….. (name of person).

For example:

-Siapa nama guru bahasa Inggris Anda?(Who is your English teacher?)

-Ibu Sri Astuti                                          (Mrs. Sri Astuti)

That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  


Voice of Indonesia presents “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia,” a lesson in the Indonesian language on the radio. We introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and tips on how to use it in a conversation. This segment is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language and Book Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is Kapan Tiba? in English ‘When did you arrive?.

Read to this conversation about Kapan Tiba which means ‘When did you arrive?’. At campus auditorium, Kevin is talking with Siti, a friend whom Kevin just met during orientation activity at their campus.



Kevin , kapan kamu tiba di Indonesia?


Satu minggu yang lalu.

Now, I am going to introduce the vocabularies and expressions related to the topic today.

Kevin, kapan kamu tiba di Indonesia?

(2X)which means

Kevin, when did arrive in Indonesia?

Satu minggu yang lalu.


A week ago/last week

When you want to ask about time, you can use the word kapan which means ‘when’.

Let’s follow the example:

Kapan kamu tiba?     which means      When did you arrive?

To respond to the question. kapan, you can answer by using the adverb of time.

For example: Satu minggu yang lalu which means last week/a week ago.

Now, here are other adverbs of time in Indonesian language:

- besok                         which means      tomorrow

- lusa                                                         the day after tomorrow

- kemarin                                                  yesterday

- minggu yang lalu                                last week

- satu bulan yang lalu                                     last month

- tahun depan                                          next year

- bulan depan                                          next month


That was “Let’s Speak Bhs Indonesia”, a lesson in Bahasa Indonesia or the Indonesian language on the radio. Hopefully, this edition will be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia.  

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