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Wednesday, 10 November 2021 00:00

Total Tagihan which means Total Bill

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Voice of Indonesia presents Let’s Speak Indonesian, a program that introduces the Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to speak in the language. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or Let’s Speak Indonesian is a joint initiative of Voice of Indonesia and the Language Development Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.  Today’s topic is about Membayar Tagihan Di Restoran which means Paying Bill at the Restaurant. 

Here is the conversation entitled Total Tagihan which means Total Bill. This conversation happens between Kevin and a restaurant waiterKevin has finished his lunch at a restaurant. He asks total bill to the restaurant waiter. Let’s read to the conversation.


Boleh minta total tagihan?

Pelayan restoran 

Baik, mohon tunggu

Ini tagihan Anda, Pak.


Baik, terima kasih.

After reading to the conversation, now I am going to introduce some vocabulary and expressions related to the topic of the day.


(2x) which means may


(2x) which means ask


(2x) which means total


(2x) which means bill

mohon tunggu

(2x) which means please wait

terima kasih

(2x) which means thank you

Boleh minta total tagihan?

(2x) which means can I ask the total bill?

Baik, mohon tunggu

(2x) which means yes, please wait

Ini tagihan Anda, Pak.

(2x) which means here is your bill, Sir

Baik, terima kasih.

(2x) which means alright, thank you

In the dialog, you hear an expression Boleh minta total tagihan? (2x) which means Can I ask the total bill? When you want to pay the bill, you can use that question to a restaurant waiter.

Let’s listen to the other examples of using the question Boleh minta which means Can I ask:

Kevin : Boleh minta rincian biayanya? (2x) which means Can I ask the cost details?

Kasir  : Ini rinciannya, silakan (2x) which means Here are the cost details

Kevin  : Boleh minta daftar belanjaannya? (2x) which means Can I ask the grocery list?

Mela   : Semua tercatat di sini (2x) which means Everything’s noted here

That was “Let’s Speak Indonesian for today. Hopefully, this edition can be useful for those of you who want to know more about Indonesian language

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